Monday, October 12, 2015

What Is Truth?

Everybody's got an opinion. When you go on social media, it seems like the whole world is trying to push one agenda or another down your throat; vaccinations, gun control, abortion, gay marriage, evolution, refugees, presidential candidates, celebrities. Everyone's got an opinion on everything and they want you to agree with whichever argument they're pushing.

Now I'm not saying it's wrong to have an opinion, or that you want others to see things from your perspective, but the question I want to present to you is what would settle these arguments? Is there actually a peaceful way in which both sides can come to a place of agreement?

The question that I'm asking is "What is truth?" Surely, if it was clear to everyone what is true and what is a lie, then hardly anyone would have anything to fight about. Yes, we will always have those subjects where it's all a matter of opinion, but how many of today's arguments have to do with opinion? Think about it. What's happened has happened, though it is a rare occasion when you will hear the truth without exclusion of facts or exaggeration. Sadly we live in a time when you can't trust what you hear or read. The internet is unreliable at best and any books read are likely to be biased in one direction or another and are written by people with their own opinions of reality.

One thing that's been going over and over in my mind is this plain and simple fact: The truth is true, whether you choose to believe it or not. Let me put it this way: 2 + 2 will always equal 4. And whether you choose to believe in gravity or not, if you jump off a roof gravity will always bring you back to earth. While these facts may seem simple, these are things that you cannot change. They are fact. They are truth.

If you look in Ephesians 6 you will read about the Armor of God. You will notice that Truth is represented by the belt. It is called the Belt of Truth. What does a belt do? It holds everything together. What happens when you take the belt away? Everything falls apart. So what does that mean for Truth? If we don't have the truth, everything falls apart.

It might just be me who sees it this way, but it feels like the whole world is falling apart; everything is falling into chaos and people are running to religions and science and anything else they can find to believe in. People need something to believe in to feel a sense of security, even if the thing they believe in is that there's nothing to believe in. So where does Truth fit into all of this? Aren't everyone's opinions valid? Can't people believe what they want to if it makes them feel better? Isn't everyone right by the politically correct stance?

Well, I've never been one of those people pleasers who goes by what's politically correct. I believe that the answer to those questions is "No, not everybody's beliefs are correct." It is literally impossible for everyone's "truths" to be correct, seeing as most of them declare that theirs is the only real way.

I believe there is only one Truth, whether you choose to believe it or not. 

John 8:32 says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." When you face the Truth for what it is everything comes together. It starts to make sense. John 14:6 states "Jesus answered, 'I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"  I honestly believe that Christ is the only Truth. I know this might seem like another agenda being pushed at you, but please believe that I only say it in Love. Later on in John 8 you'll find the verse which states "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." My hope for you is to find freedom in knowing the Truth which is Jesus Himself. He is the Truth that is true, whether you believe in Him or not. 

How do I know that Jesus is the Truth? Because I know Him. I've experienced Him. I've heard Him speak to me. I know what He's done for me and in my life. I've always heard that the person with the experience is not at the mercy of the person with the argument. In other words, though you may disagree with me, I know what I've seen and Who I know and no argument you bring will ever change that experience. That is the truth.

So through the bombardment of opinions and arguments of who's right and who's wrong, I challenge you to not take what you read as fact, but to question what the real truth of that situation is. I challenge you to wear the Truth as a belt, a thing to rely on to hold your life together. And lastly, I challenge you to ask God Himself to show you Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I pray that this Truth will ultimately set you free. 

~Be blessed~