Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Miracle of Miracles!

When I started this adventure of moving to Wales to do an internship with a youth ministry I had no idea where the money was coming from to pay for it. I just knew that if God was calling me to do this He would have to finance it. I kept telling myself and others that God's pocketbook is bigger than mine, just to keep the faith. 

And now, He's proven it! I found out last week that the rest of my time here in Cardiff, Wales is paid for! I am FULLY FUNDED!! I still don't know where all of the money came from, but I do know that a lot of you have been praying and supporting me through this faith tester. I want to thank all of you again for everything you've done and given. It is so encouraging to be a part of such a large family of faith; my family in Christ that has been acting out their faith. You are all such a blessing to me and others. Thank you.

Things are still getting warmed up here after the new year. School started last week, but none of the clubs start until this week. We start in this week going full speed ahead with youth clubs, mentoring in the local school, and planning an upcoming retreat for some of our kids. And this Wednesday we were invited to run a prayer day in one of the schools! There is a ministry that goes into public schools and opens up interactive and creative ways to pray. It introduces children to prayer in a way that takes some of the mysticism out of praying and helps them realize that they too can pray to God.There will be different stations that the kids can go to to experiment with prayer without being told "you're doing it wrong".This is an exciting opportunity and I can't wait to get started! Please pray for these kids who might not go to church, but they can learn a bit about God in their own school. And pray for the leaders that we would be listening to what God's saying to us and to these kids. If you'd like to find out more about that ministry here's the link: http://www.prayerspacesinschools.com.

In church last Sunday, we had already started the service and a couple of boys of about 9 or 10 came waltzing in off the street! These boys are some of those known trouble makers, and while they might have come to disrupt the service, I believe that they were brought into the church for a reason. They ended up making some rude noises during prayer and they ran in and out of the church quite loudly until they eventually left. But for a short time, they were sitting almost quietly during worship. Most people had their eyes closed in prayer or were ignoring the boys, hoping they wouldn't make trouble, but I figured, if these boys were going to come into church on a Sunday morning, they were going to get prayed for whether they like it or not! So I sat there with my arm stretched towards them in prayer, speaking life over them. When they noticed my outstretched arm, they just look confused and they tried to mock me. So I went up behind them and leaned in to tell them quietly, "Do you know what me and all these people are doing? We are praying for you boys. We are praying for you because we know that you have a future and God wants to give you a hope. That's what we're doing." They didn't really know how to take that, and they started their running in and out soon after that, but I wanted them to hear that someone cares for them and prays for them. 

Tremorfa is a place where hope is scarce. We know many young people who before they've reached their teen years have already given up hope of graduating. They don't hope for a positive future or a good job. They best you can hope for is maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend who will stick around for a good while and maybe stay out of jail. So me and the Ignite team are praying for God's hope to be brought into this community. And I hope you will pray with me for these boys who unwittingly walked into our prayers for hope. That they will soon discover that they are loved by the Father and that they will find their hope in Him. I pray they will be the next generation of church leaders. That God would do a great work in each of them.

Again, thank you for all of your prayers and support. I am beyond blessed.

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