Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Truth is Getting Out!

Wow! What a week.
Sorry for the late post, but these weeks has been crazier than usual, it feels.
What have we been doing that has made it so crazy?

For the last week or so some of us at Ignite have gone into 2 of the high schools here in Cardiff and have been telling the story of Jesus' last 24 hours before His death. The program we were doing was called "24 Hours That Saved the World".

As a part of the session, we would take a couple minutes and have the kids discuss things like, "How do you decide if something is true or not?" Some of the kids answered that they Google things to see what's true or not, while others were a bit more sensible and said, "I'd want witnesses and evidence before deciding." We even put out the point of saying "If this stuff isn't true, than we might as well forget about Christianity, but if it IS true, then this is really a big deal." And we make a point of quoting the Gospel of John when he said "I saw this with my own eyes, so I know that it's true."

One part of the school lessons that I really enjoyed was in the beginning we would all introduce ourselves and give an interesting fact about ourselves. I tried using something unique to the US and said that my mother had been Amish in the past. I didn't quite get the reaction I wanted simply because most of the kids didn't even know what Amish was.

So I changed my fact to "I've been in prisons more times than I can count." That got their attention! And I left it at that! Then at the end of the session, when we would encourage the kids to ask questions either about the lesson or one of us, they'd usually ask why I went to prison. (For those who don't know me personally, my family goes into prisons to share Jesus through our music. I've never been arrested or spent the night in a prison.)

For TYC this week, I spoke a bit about Jesus' resurrection, but more about why He did what He did on the cross. I told the kids that before they were born, God had placed a value on their heads, and that value will never change no matter what they do. I told them that God says they are worth the death of His own Son. I told them that God wants them to come to Heaven when they die, so He paid the price for them to come, but the only way that payment is valid is if they accept it for themselves. Jesus was that payment. And He went willingly to die on the cross because He wants you to come to Heaven too. Because He loves you.

Later that night we had one of the kids completely kick off and she started swearing and hitting and throwing a chair and the whole shebang. We had to tell her to go home. I'm wondering if this might be the enemy's attack, trying to fight the Gospel that is making it's way into the hearts of our young people here in Tremorfa. We have been feeling a lot of opposition in the natural, but we're pretty sure it's coming from the spiritual realm.

You may or may not believe in the spiritual side of our fight for Christ, but that doesn't make it less real. That is why I'm calling all you prayer warriors to pray for Tremorfa and the rest of Wales as well. God is definitely doing something and the enemy doesn't want it to come about. So please pray against any spiritual attacks of the enemy, either on the workers or on the kids and people we're working with.

Thank you for praying.

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