Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Unexpected Plot Twist

Even as recent as Monday I was expecting that today I would wake early, get on a plane and be halfway to Europe by this evening. But that is where the plot twist came in: some very important things had not yet arrived in the mail. Things so important that there was no way I'd even make it on a plane without. So here I am sitting at home writing this blog because now I have another week and a half to pack up everything and leave. 

Needless to say I was very disappointed when I heard we would have to set the flight date back so far and I'll admit there were a few tears. I think some of my tears were from the disappointment, but some were from realizing that the stress I had put on myself to get everything finished yesterday was not even necessary (not that stress is ever necessary, but that's a whole different point). 

I kept wondering what I could have done differently or paid extra for or something that would have sped the process to help me leave at the appointed time. I was venting a bit to my mother and she reminded me that though it was an unexpected delay for us, God wasn't surprised by it. She suggested I use this time to pray and journal about the journey ahead (something I'd not been doing much lately due to busyness getting ready to leave).

I suppose it really is a blessing in disguise. While I am still rather bummed that I won't be arriving early tomorrow morning, I can use this time to focus on the One who put me on this mission in the first place. We can get so busy working for God that we can forget to focus on Him. 

Also, I need to learn to trust God with everything. I've been really trusting when it comes to finances, but because of this holdup I'm forced to face the fact that I was worrying about other things that I should have put in God's hands a long time ago.

So if you're in need of something to pray for: pray that I learn to trust God in all matters, not just the ones I choose, and that these papers arrive in the mail before the next flight.

Here's a quick praise God: We have passed the $3,000 mark!
Please pray about giving to support this trip. We still need about $10,000 or more. 

Thank you so much to those who have already supported. I love you all.

Your sister in Christ,

Natasha Utz

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