Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pre Travel Jitters

So you know before a wedding the bride and/or groom might get jitters and start to rethink this whole idea?
Well, I've had a bit of that. I know I'm not making a lifetime commitment in my moving to Wales, just a year long commitment. I've committed to things like dance and other things of that sort for a year. I guess what really hit me today was the full time part of it. I can't just call off on a day when I feel I can't handle things.

This is giving my WHOLE LIFE for a year to God. I've stepped out in faith before for different mission trips, but never putting all of myself into His Hands before. I don't know where the finances are to fund this, I don't know who I'll meet or what I'll encounter, but I know I will be challenged. I will have my faith tested, my morals questioned, and will have to rely on God for my everything. That's hard, when you're not sure how God will provide next months rent.

But I know He will. I know things will be difficult, and that I will probably be pushed way beyond my comfort zone and beyond what I think I'm capable of doing. But I also know that God will be my strength and my provider. I know that by myself I can do nothing, but with Him, I am capable of all things. God will help me rise to the occasion and push the boundaries that I put on myself and Him.

It's really rather hard to find comfort in Someone I can't see or feel, but He's been helping prepare me for that while I'm still at home. I don't know how, but in some hard circumstances I've been faced with already, I've found comfort in singing worship songs and making music to praise Him. It reminds me of Paul the Apostle when he was imprisoned (one time of many) and he and whoever was with him started singing worship songs and then other prisoners joined in and soon an earthquake caused the prison walls to collapse.

Somehow, even when I don't feel like singing, when I start worshiping God and giving Him praise for His goodness, the walls and whatever was oppressing me shatters and God's glory comes out. I pray that His glory will continue to come forth as I continue to follow where He leads.

I know I said it was pre-travel jitters, and I do get a bit nervous about what lies ahead for me, but I know God will take care of me. Even if I question myself, I can never question the goodness and Love of my God. I'm going forward!

Please pray for me in this preparation time, for peace and finances to come through. Also, please pray about giving toward this trip. God works through His people, does He not?

Thank you so much for the support you've shown me already. I know the Family of God's, really is my family.

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