Monday, October 20, 2014

Something's Stirring

So here's another update on things happening over here:

I told you about the girls' night we had last week. Well, one of the girls left her coat at the house by accident. She later sent a text to one of the leaders saying to just bring the coat to church  on Sunday.

From what I understand this girl has not been going to church for the last few years, so we were very excited to learn that she would be coming to church. And she came! She showed up Sunday morning, brought her little sisters and came to join Sunday School.

Later on, during class, two of her friends show up! Friends who wouldn't normally want to be seen in church. Now we knew they were all too old for Sunday School, and while one sitting in to help the teachers is permitted once in a while, we couldn't let the 3 of them sit in. So I ushered all three of them into the big church service. I showed them where they could sit by an adult they knew in the back row, but the girls walked right passed her and went right to the front row.

(I don't know that I will ever understand the reasoning in some teenager's minds. I know I would have sat in the back!) Anyway, although I was helping in the kids' class I was told afterward that all three girls sat through the whole service! These particular girls are known for whispering, giggling, and various other distracting things during our short lessons during the youth club we hold during the week, so I was really curious as to whether or not they could sit through a whole sermon.

And they did! The two friends were completely engaged in the service and didn't want to leave even when the first girl said "Let's go". This is very encouraging to see when you're working in youth ministry. Not the let's go part, but the fact that they even came to church and wanted to stay! A lot of times in youth ministry it feels like you're not really doing much. Like you might be trying to tell them about Jesus but it feels more like talking AT them rather than TO them. And we invite them to join us at church every week, but often times just get some laughs and comments like "Yeah, right".

But we are seeing a change! And one of the girls has even come back by herself this past Sunday! God is working in these young ladies' hearts, and we are starting to see the results of this.

Keep praying for what God is doing in these young people and in Wales. The embers of the last revival that seemed so dull and dying are being stirred up. Life is coming back! Maybe one life at a time, but this is just the beginning. And Heaven rejoices with each new life brought to Christ! So let's keep praying. Pray that God would blow on the embers and start a flame.

And thank you so much to my family and friends and home church, Heartland, for all of your continued support and prayers. Sometimes it feels like we're a long way from the finish line, but I know God will come through. Please pray about giving to my ministry in Wales. And again, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. That's really excellent to hear. Sometimes even when we don't appear to be tuning in, we are. I'm glad to hear the good news is getting through to the students you're working with!
