Monday, October 27, 2014

Praises and Prayers

It has been an interesting week. I have a number of praise reports as well as some prayer requests.
First of all, praise reports: more contributions have come in! We have another month covered and that much closer to meeting the goal! Thank you to all who have given. It is such a blessing to me. You are helping to keep my ministry going over here.

Another praise: While working in the office is fine and necessary, I’d much rather be working with kids, so one of the blessings of this week is that we found another youth club for me to partner with and help out on Tuesday nights! Working with youth and praying for them is very much my calling and I am so happy to be able to help.

Praise: Thursday evening went great. Thank you to those who were praying for it. Some of you know that I put a status on FB asking people to pray against whatever is trying to come against us. And it’s a good thing I did go then because another volunteer ended up staying home sick and her husband was going to stay with her. So we were down by another couple of workers. I know the enemy is threatened by what we’re doing here because of all the attacks on the workers. Please keep up the prayers for safety and health for me and my fellow fishermen (fishers’o’men).

So during youth club this week we had something a little different. I was in charge of the girls, and I taught them all the “Drive The Bus” dance! To those of you who aren’t from my home church and aren’t familiar with this is a silly dance put to what sounds like random music. It usually has dance moves with recognizable names like “the Sprinkler”, “Disco”, and “The Plumber”. At first the girls thought my antics were ridiculous, which they were, but on the second time around we got a good sized crowd doing it with me. It was a lot of fun.

Praise: This girl who's come to church has been continuing to come and continues to bring her friends! God is really doing work in this girl's heart, so please pray that she continues to come and learn about God.

Prayers: We’ve had a number of sicknesses going around, so as I said, please pray for healing and health.
I’ve had a couple of girls tell me in the evening that they’ve not eaten all day. I know that one of them is known for exaggerating, so I’m trying to figure out how much of what she says I should believe. But the other one we’ve had suspicions of something not-right going on. Please pray that God will work in both these girls and that He will show them His love.

I know a lot of the behavior and self-harm problems are seen everywhere in the world, and we’re praying for that to end, but until Christ comes back, the world will remain imperfect. We can’t help everybody, but we can help the ones in front of us. Please pray that God gives us wisdom on how to show His love to these girls.

I had my ipod on shuffle the other day and this song came on I hadn’t heard before.I’d bought the album for one song so I hadn’t listened to the rest of it. But when it came on I ended up sobbing. It really paints a picture of what so many kids are going through. Only Jesus can heal this pain. It breaks my heart to think of the people who haven’t met Him yet.

Thank you once again for your donations and prayers. Please keep ‘em up. I love ya’ll.
 God is good.

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