Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Herdmans' Play Practice

Christmas is coming. You see the decorations and you may have already heard your first Christmas song, despite it not even being December. And here in Cardiff is no different. And with not having Thanksgiving here, people don't have a day to officially start the Christmas season, so it can start in mid-November or earlier if you want.

We've been working with the kids in preparation as well. In the Grangetown youth club we've started practicing for our Christmas skit. This takes about half an hour of our club time, but it is one of the craziest half hours of the week! These preteens and teens are constantly switching roles, arguing over who got what part this week, and losing their place in the script so they miss their lines and we have to start over at least 6 times before we can make it to the end of the 2 minute sketch. If you've ever heard of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever with the out of control Herdman kids, this is about the same as if we had a room full of Herdmans and maybe one or two Beths (well behaved children) in the crowd.
I know it sounds like absolute chaos and a lot of the times it is, but it's in the small moments with the kids before, after, and during the skit practice that we can start to see that the message might be coming through. 

We have a short time near the end where we sit them all down with some hot chocolate and toast and we talk a little bit about Jesus. Some of these kids have gone to Sunday School or something so they know a little about Jesus, but others have made up their minds to be Atheist. Most of these decided Atheists don't pay any attention during the lesson, but occasionally we'll see them watching us and answering our questions. There is one girl who refuses to believe what we're saying when we talk about the love of God. I don't know if she's been hurt by the church or something, but I'm praying that her eyes and heart will soon be opened. Please join me in this prayer.

One week we met on Remembrance Day and for the lesson we shared about John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this: That he would lay down his life for his friend." We asked them who they love enough that they'd be willing to die for them. The volunteer giving the talk asked example questions like, "would you die for your mum?" or "would you die for your best friend?" This was to bring up how Christ died for all people, even if they don't like him. We had some interesting answers to the example questions though.

A lot of them said they would die for their grandmothers. One girl said, "I'd die for my one Nan, but not the other one." And another girl said, "Don't ask me if I'd die for my dad, because I wouldn't. I hate my dad."
This breaks my heart. This girl showed us a little of her heart, and what we saw was pain. She had been badly hurt by her earthly father. I'm praying that she will still accept our Heavenly Father's Love despite the pain she's been through. Please pray for this little one as well.

I do have a praise report to give: I am funded for the next 4 months!!! Yay! So I am paid through March! Thank you so much for your generosity and your contributions toward this ministry in Wales. You are such a blessing. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I will let you know how tonight's practice went next week.

Life's an adventure

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